Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) is the new and revolutionary treatment solution for joint pain! This innovative treatment option is safe, painless, quick, and a completely non-invasive alternative to major surgeries. Call us now to discuss this proven, yet still evolving effective treatment alternative for many joint pain and diseases!
A PRP injection is created from a small sample of your own blood, and then by separating the healing properties in your blood from its other components. As the body’s natural response to soft tissue injuries is to deliver platelets, a PRP injection works by creating an extremely concentrated sample of platelets from your own blood and then re-injecting it into the desired area. PRP therapy simply intensifies the healing process by delivering a higher concentration of platelets to the affected area. PRP injections have proven to slow down and even stop the degeneration process caused by many conditions and diseases. This injection will also reduce the pain that you have been experiencing as well as improving the functionality of your problematic joint. As it is only your own blood in the PRP injection, there is essentially zero risk of a transmissible disease and an extremely low risk for an allergic reaction.
The benefits of PRP regenerative therapy versus major invasive surgeries are clear and apparent. A PRP injection relieves pain without the risks of anesthesia and strong prescription narcotics. It also eliminates the need for physical therapy which can be very extensive and frustrating if not necessary. PRP therapy provides an alternative method for treating chronic pain once thought to only be fixed through surgery. As this is completely non-invasive, no hospital stay is required. In fact, almost all patients are able to resume their normal work and leisure activities the same day! Call us today to set up a FREE consultation to see if you are a candidate for this exceptional therapy!